HOODOO MAYN [hooh'-dooh mah'eehn] is defined as 'Hoodoo Nation'

Exclusive screening of the new film by Odwirafo. Watch our film below:

Aakhuamuman Amaruka Atifi Mu, the Akwamu Nation in North America, welcomed the Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African~Black) community to our ninth annual HOODOO MAYN - Hoodoo Nation Festival which took place on October 22, 13024 (2023). Our focus is restoring the consciousness of Akan Ancestral Identity as Hoodoo in family blood-circles, culture and ritual preserved in North america for centuries. Nationbuilding/Restoration is rooted in this, our spiri-genetic inheritance.

HOODOO MAYN is the only festival of its kind, celebrating and examining our Akan Ancestral Religion as brought to North america in the spiri-genetic blood-circles of our Akan Ancestresses and Ancestors and maintained by us, their descendants, to this day. It was through Hoodoo that we were guided and empowered to heal ourselves, educate ourselves, sustain ourselves, train ourselves, wage war against the whites and their offspring and force the end of enslavement in North america. It is through Hoodoo that Akan people in North america today will complete our Revolutionary-Resolutionary function of Amansesew, Nationbuilding/Restoration, as a component of the larger collective of Odwiraman, Purified Nation - Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans~Black People) in the Western hemisphere.

At HOODOO MAYN we have presentations on various aspects of the Hoodoo Religion from an authentic Ancestrally inherited Akan perspective. We also have our EGUA - Marketplace wherein attendees shop with our vendors and learn about our Akan Ancestral Religious Heritage in North america through ritual, presentations, literature, art, food, music and handmade products.

This year we held a virtual conference. We hosted an exclusive virtual screening of the new documentary film by Odwirafo - HOODOO: Akan Ancestral Religion in North America, followed by a panel discussion.

See the video below from the panel discussion:

Our flyer is below. Click on any of the images below to download the full 12-page pdf version:

See the conference presentations from last year's event:

See the videos from our recent livestreams on HOODOO:


> See the videos of the presentations from previous year's festival by Afia Nkoso Bretuo and Odwirafo Kwesi Ra Nehem Ptah Akhan


See the ohwie (Iibation) opening our first festival and our previous special Awusidae broadcast leading up to the Osranebere ne Hoodoo Mayn - Red Moon and Hoodoo Nation Festival, our special EGUA - Marketplace broadcasts HOODOO MAYN - Hoodoo Nation Festival - Cultural Institutions and Nationbuilding/Restoration, HOODOO ECONOMY: Socioeconomic Development through Hoodoo and UBEN: The Rise of Amarukafo Nanasom - African-American Ancestral Religion and our broadcasts wherein we recapped the festival: HOODOO MAYN - Hoodoo Nation Festival 13016 Recap


NHOMA - Publications

Our publications page - Download the free e-book versions and purchase the soft-cover versions of our 31 books


Akan Ancestral Religion in North America


Ancient Authentic Akan Ancestral Religion


Purified Nation - Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans~Black People) in the West


Institution of learning, healing, training, employment and entrepreneurship

FEKUW - Nanasom Study-Groups

Our Self-Study and Study-Group Curriculum

Please contact us for additional information.
