
SANKOFADWUMA offers adekyere, training/instruction, for Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African~Black): human services professionals and behavioral health professionals inclusive of psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, social workers, case managers and community support workers as well as independent contractors, educators, homeschoolers, school teachers, professors, independent schools, charter schools, cultural organizations, cultural associations, cultural programs and more. Our adekyere are based on our nhoma, publications, and are designed to enhance outcomes for your Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African~Black) consumers, clients, students, members, etc. while also assisting independent contractors and contracting agencies with strategies to increase revenue in the context of enhancing outcomes. For Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African~Black) psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, case managers, social workers, community support workers, educators, et. al, our publications are utilized effectively as curricula or supplemental curricula for establishing or augmenting Individual Treatment Plan goals and objectives in the Cultural/Spiritual domain and enhancing those within the Health, Emotional and Psychiatric/Behavioral domains.

The subject matter addressed in the articles below: NKYINKYIM - Principled Adaptability: Individual Treatment Plans and the Cultural/Spiritual Domain and AFURA - Whole Life Interventions in conjunction with our NKWAMUA - Whole Life Journal form the basis of our adekyere (trainings).

The NKYINKYIM and AFURA articles provide a brief overview of the cultural-philosophical foundation of the Whole Life approach to interventions with our clients. An extensive analysis of this subject matter is conducted as a component of our adekyere (trainings). Download these articles below.

NKWAMUA - Whole Life Journal is the cultural-operations manual for effecting Whole Life interventions with our clients. An extensive analysis of each issue of NKWAMUA is conducted as a component of our adekyere. Download NKWAMUA - Whole Life Journal from our publications page: Nhoma

Principled Adaptability:
Individual Treatment Plans and the Cultural/Spiritual Domain

Whole Life Interventions

Whole Life Journal

For more information about NKWAMUA - Whole Life Journal, to download the free e-book version and to order the soft-cover version see our publications page: Nhoma

View one of our Adekyere (training) sessions below from 13013 (2013), conducted as a live internet tv broadcast and listen to our blogtalkradio broadcast from 13014 (2014) wherein we examine the the training:

Next Adekyere:


Washington, DC

Registration is Free.

For more information on our services, to register for our upcoming adekyere (trainings) or to schedule adekyere please: Contact Us

Akyede (donations) assist us in providing our publications free of charge to those in our community who are in need. If you would like to make akyede, please do so below. Meda ase (thank you) for your consideration.
